'Gut Pinch'

Aria Dean
December 15, 2017 - February 17, 2018

There’s nothing to feel but your own emptiness. Becoming whole through becoming hole. We are tunneling.


A River Called Death, 2017, Video, 7:33 minutes


A River Called Death (clip), 2017, Video, 7:33 minutes


A River Called Death (clip), 2017, Video, 7:33 minutes


Gut Pinch, installation image


Cipher (2), 2017, mirror, vinyl and wall text


Untitled (Bale #1), 2017, cotton, copper wire & ribbon


Untitled (Bale #1) detail, 2017, cotton, copper wire & ribbon



Cipher (2), 2017, mirror, vinyl and wall text (with Untitled (Bale #1) reflected)


Cipher (2), 2017, mirror, vinyl and wall text


In conjunction with this show, we published a book of assorted notes and writing that Dean compiled from recent sketchbooks, which can be found here.